Talking to lots of prospects but not getting the sale? Wondering what else you could have done to close the deal? Here are some tips to help you get the clients want and the sales revenue you need.
Check out these 5 sure-five ways to improve your sales results.
- Target the right prospects. Look at your current customers (or the customers you want to acquire.) What do they have in common? Where do they look for a solution to their problem or challenge?
- Understand their challenges. Customers want to know that you understand their challenges. What do they see as their problem or challenge? How will your product or service help them?
- Ask the right questions. Listening to the answers to good open-minded questions will help you understand what are top-of-mind issues for the potential. How is the problem affecting their business? What would be different in their business when the problem is solved? What criteria will they use to make their buying decision? Who will make the final decision?
- Explain your product or service to the customer in their words. Use the words they shared when answering your open-ended questions. Address their concerns before taking about additional benefits.
- Follow up, follow up and follow up. Most customers don’t buy at the first encounter. Overall sales statistics state that more than 80% of sales take place after the fifth through eight contact – this is a general statistic and varies among industries. The bottom line is that if you are not following up with your potential customers you could be losing 80% or more of your potential sales.